Austin Wellness Chiropractic Center


Tonics and Elixirs

Tonics and Elixirs

When it comes to health and wellness, your Family Wellness Chiropractor is always going to be your go-to resource. The fact is that it’s easier to go to the local drug store and grab some over-the-counter chemical that promises instant relief and doesn’t require a lot of effort, but we often forget that even over the-counter drugs have side-effects. If you’re looking for relief, don’t go to the corner, go to your Chiropractor.

Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

One problem that many pregnant women complain about is pubic pain. Yet doctors and midwives often dismiss this pain as either “inconsequential,” “unfixable,” or “just one of those pregnancy discomforts that have to be endured.” Click here to read more…. …