When it comes to health and wellness, your Family Wellness Chiropractor is always going to be your go-to resource. The fact is that it’s easier to go to the local drug store and grab some over-the-counter chemical that promises instant relief and doesn’t require a lot of effort, but we often forget that even over the-counter drugs have side-effects. If you’re looking for relief, don’t go to the corner, go to your Chiropractor.
Sunblocks and Sunscreens -Helpful or Harmful?
In 1938, chemist Franz Greiter developed the first sunscreen, and in 1944 airman Benjamin Greene, who later became a pharmacist, developed his own version to protect soldiers fighting in the South Pacific from sunburn. Since then it’s been considered a…
Wellness Family Newsletter September 2014- The Engaged Parent
As much as we wish it were so, children do not come with an instruction manual. There’s no “How to” that can be followed; no two children are alike so what works with one generally won’t work with the other.…