When it comes to health and wellness, your Family Wellness Chiropractor is always going to be your go-to resource. The fact is that it’s easier to go to the local drug store and grab some over-the-counter chemical that promises instant relief and doesn’t require a lot of effort, but we often forget that even over the-counter drugs have side-effects. If you’re looking for relief, don’t go to the corner, go to your Chiropractor.
Deodorants and Antiperspirants
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, accounting for 16% of total body weight and covering up to 22 square feet of surface area. It is incredibly permeable and not picky about what it is willing to…
Mindfulness We live in a microwave society; we want everything now. This is the age of distraction and our attention span has suffered for it. We don’t have time to read an entire article; just give us the highlights. We…
Cleaning Green
Cleaning Green Walk down the cleaning products aisle at your local grocery store and it may be a bit overwhelming. There is a cleaning product for every surface of your home and rarely will they be recommended for use in…