The First Adjustment Parents will often ask when they should bring their children in for Chiropractic care and the answer is – the sooner the better. Both prior to and during delivery, an infant has had pressure placed on their…
Antibiotic Misuse
A recent study by researchers at Seattle Children’s Hospital found that just 27% of respiratory tract infections are actually caused by bacteria. That means that more than 2/3 of all infections are viral, and antibiotics won’t help. The study…
What is Tech Neck?

The Industrial Revolution happened between 1760 and about 1840, moving the manufacturing process out of people’s homes and into plants or factories. Now we’re in the Technological Revolution, which began in the 20th century with the invention of the television…
Car Seat Safety
Every day there are more than 2,600 children involved in automobile accidents. This is the equivalent of one child every 33 seconds. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for children between the ages of 3 and 14. The…
Tethered Oral Tissues or Tongue Tie
Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) can consist of either a tongue tie (where the thin piece of skin under a baby’s tongue restricts movement of the tongue) or where the upper lip is restricted due to being anchored to the gum.…
Your Nervous System
What Controls You? When you think about it, our bodies are pretty amazing machines. We can run, jump and climb. We can see, hear, taste, feel and smell. We are made up of many incredible parts that work together to…
Healthy Poops
Nick Haslam, a Professor of Psychology at the University of Melbourne, recently wrote that it’s time for psychologists to stop ignoring excrement. A UK survey in 2010 ranked the flushing toilet as the 9th greatest invention of all time (sliced…
Gluten-Why the Obsession?
GLUTEN – WHY THE OBSESSION? By Katie Greeley, DC, CACCP The nature of my practice is that my clients are like extended family. We share great dialogue on all aspects of health and well-being. I always expose my patients to…