Acute Otitis Media is
the most commonly
diagnosed and
misdiagnosed disease
in childhood.
Ear Infections

Acute Otitis Media is
the most commonly
diagnosed and
misdiagnosed disease
in childhood.
Balance and Chiropractic There are many aspects of everyday life that we don’t really value until they’re missing; balance is definitely one of these. Since it is a vital part of normal daily activities such as: walking, bending over to…
Every parent knows that there are certain milestones that babies achieve at certain stages of development: following objects or parents with their eyes; responding to sounds; lifting their head and torso when placed on their tummies; eventually leading to…
Chemical Stressors Chemical Stressors When asked about chiropractic care generally, or vertebral subluxation specifically, it’s very common for our minds to go directly to neck or back pain. The average person will almost always connect a physical injury to…
Thirty years ago the life of the average child was completely different. Many moms didn’t work, and spent their days cleaning house and caring for their families. It wasn’t uncommon to hear “Go outside and play” echoing through the…
Since the industrial revolution began around 1750, we have become more and more reliant on machines. Cars, televisions and coffee makers graduated to computers and cellular devices. With these electronics came an increase in EMF emissions, and while their…
No Cook Play Dough 2 cups of plain flour 4 tablespoons of ‘cream of tartar’ 2 tablespoons of cooking oil 1 cup of salt 2 cups of boiling water Food coloring Glitter, colored sand, or other bits and pieces to…
We all know that the food we eat is the fuel our body uses to get through the day but what many don’t know is that the quality of that food may actually affect our mood. Caffeine jitters or a sugar rush are…
Defining Sensory Integration Dysfunction By Katie Greeley, BS, DC, CACCP Last year I visited the innovations at Disneyland to see all the new and cool enhancements for the future. I was a little worried about what I saw and experienced.…