As the weather turns colder, you may find that your family will be spending less time outside and more time inside with the heater running. Your body’s natural immunity against common illnesses will be put to the test now more…
Trama and Physical Stressors
I recently watched a heart-warming TED talk in which the speaker, Shawn Anchor, recounted a personal childhood story. At the age of 7, when entrusted to play “nicely” with his 4-year-old sister (he suggested playing “combat”), she fell off the…
Ear Infection, Constipation, & Sleep Disturbance Resolves After Adjustments
The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic care on a patient with chronic otitis media. Otitis media is the inflammation of the middle ear. Otitis media affects those of all ages, but is most prominent…
Chemical Stressors
Chemical Stressors Chemical Stressors When asked about chiropractic care generally, or vertebral subluxation specifically, it’s very common for our minds to go directly to neck or back pain. The average person will almost always connect a physical injury to…
Outdoor Play
Thirty years ago the life of the average child was completely different. Many moms didn’t work, and spent their days cleaning house and caring for their families. It wasn’t uncommon to hear “Go outside and play” echoing through the…

Inflammation: The Good and Bad Good and the Bad Inflammation is the term given to describe the body’s response to tissue damage such as bacterial infections, trauma, chemical exposures and dying tissue. The problem is that there are times when…
Your Nervous System
What Controls You? When you think about it, our bodies are pretty amazing machines. We can run, jump and climb. We can see, hear, taste, feel and smell. We are made up of many incredible parts that work together to…
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar Every wellness parent has heard of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) at some point or another. Whether it is a recommendation to help to naturally relieve a fever or congestion while steaming or adding to a humidifier, Apple…
Mindfulness We live in a microwave society; we want everything now. This is the age of distraction and our attention span has suffered for it. We don’t have time to read an entire article; just give us the highlights. We…