One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a baby. As excited as she is about the prospect of being a mom, there’s really only one thing on her mind: she wants the baby delivered safely and healthy. Suddenly she’s not only making decisions for herself,but also for the still-developing person inside of her. Yet, the reality is,the decisions she makes during her pregnancy will be heavily influenced by other factors.
The Webster Technique
Many years ago, if a mother was told that her unborn baby was in the wrong position (i.e. breech, transverse, face/brow) it was assumed that the safest course of action was a C-section. While there were other options such as…
The Truth about Epidurals By Katie Greeley, DC ,CACCP In a typical hospital-birthing plan, most new mothers have already made up their mind about getting an epidural. This decision is usually made without any factual information about epidurals and most…