Acute Otitis Media is
the most commonly
diagnosed and
misdiagnosed disease
in childhood.
Ear Infections

Tonics and Elixirs

When it comes to health and wellness, your Family Wellness Chiropractor is always going to be your go-to resource. The fact is that it’s easier to go to the local drug store and grab some over-the-counter chemical that promises instant relief and doesn’t require a lot of effort, but we often forget that even over the-counter drugs have side-effects. If you’re looking for relief, don’t go to the corner, go to your Chiropractor.
5G Technology and Your Health
5G Technology and Your Health It was in the late 1800’s that power plants began operations and electric lighting became every day. The convenience of electrical machines, such as refrigerators, came later and then microwaves and televisions became the norm…
Fire Cider for Health

Fire Cider for Health
The health and healing properties of apple cider vinegar are no secret. Studies have shown that it helps the body balance sugar levels for those with diabetes or insulin resistance and it’s effective in helping fight infections. These are just the two biggest benefits revealed through several reputable studies. What might be a secret, however, is Fire Cider and just how beneficial it can be to a wellness lifestyle.
Pediatric Stress
We don’t typically associate childhood with stress. Children don’t have bills to pay, demanding jobs or kids of their own to worry over, so why would children possibly be stressed? This may be how we think, but the sad fact…
Choosing a Home Birth
Women know that pregnancy is a natural event that should be celebrated, not a medical condition that has to be treated; and, despite major professional societies condemning the practice of home birth, over 38,000 American babies were born at home…
Spring with Your Kids
Spring is here! Winter is gone and the days are turning warmer. It’s just the right time to start throwing open windows and doors to let the stuffy air (and the kids) out of the house! However, with a “shelter…
Deodorants and Antiperspirants
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, accounting for 16% of total body weight and covering up to 22 square feet of surface area. It is incredibly permeable and not picky about what it is willing to…
All About Cooking Oils
“When preparing healthy foods for your family remember: the oil you choose when cooking your food is just as important as the food you’re cooking.” Cooking Oils You’ve taken the time to buy really fresh vegetables, to dice them up…
Flu Shot Awareness
Typically anticipated to start in the fall months and peak in January or February, the “flu season” is always accompanied by signs in pharmacies and doctors’ offices promoting the vaccine. Your local pharmacy’s automated answering service may start with a…
Sunblocks and Sunscreens -Helpful or Harmful?
In 1938, chemist Franz Greiter developed the first sunscreen, and in 1944 airman Benjamin Greene, who later became a pharmacist, developed his own version to protect soldiers fighting in the South Pacific from sunburn. Since then it’s been considered a…