Austin Wellness Chiropractic Center

Cleaning Green

Cleaning Green

Walk down the cleaning products aisle at your local grocery store and it may be a bit overwhelming. There is a cleaning product for every surface of your home and rarely will they be recommended for use in any other space. Bathroom cleaners are different than kitchen cleaners and floor cleaners can’t be used on windows; there are even specialty cleaners for appliances, ovens, microwaves, etc. Beyond the overwhelming quantity and expense, don’t forget the toxic factor. Almost every single product on those shelves will contain some kind of toxin or dangerous substance. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has noted that many household cleaners contain volatile organic compounds or VOCs, such as formaldehyde and other harsh acids. This is important because exposure to VOCs can lead to several symptoms including: eye, nose and throat irritation; headaches; nausea; liver, kidney and central nervous system damage; loss of coordination and more. Since some of these chemicals have even proven to be carcinogenic, it’s time to toss those toxins and start cleaning green.

To continue reading click here….Wellness Family Newsletter Mar 2015

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